Blog Posts — Wellness

Charles Gay
Explained: The Benefits of Buying and Eating Organic Foods

Explained: The Benefits of Buying and Eating Organic Foods

Is it Healthier To Eat Organic Foods? The health benefits associated with a diet of organic products and natural health foods have as much to do with what you’re not putting in your body as what you are.

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Charles Gay
Gluten Free vs Grain Free

Gluten Free vs Grain Free

As we begin to see more products on grocery shelves that adhere gluten free and grain free “diets,” we’ve noticed that these terms have occasionally been used interchangeably. So, do they really mean the same thing?

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My 'go-to' supplement

My 'go-to' supplement

Sustainable foods with high nutritional value, and that are gut friendly, make for a powerful brew. We have been learning more and more about marine phytoplankton over the last few months and it is becoming very apparent that we like what we hear.

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What is 'Digestive Health'?

What is 'Digestive Health'?

You could talk about what constitutes good digestive health for hours due to the complexity of all the different components that contribute to the vast machine that is the GI tract.  However, to keep things simple and short, I will summarise that good digestive health basically means that you and your gut feel good at all times (or most of the time), especially, during and after eating.

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