Blog Posts — the real coconut diet

Resistant Starch

Resistant Starch

Resistant starch is something that we have become interested in over the years due to its positive effects on gut health. A healthy digestive tract requires a healthy microbiome, which are the life sustaining bacteria and organisms that live inside your gut.

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Is Healthy Always Wholesome?

Is Healthy Always Wholesome?

There is no denying that wellness is a serious business right now.  There seems to have been a mass movement in the collective consciousness towards delving deeper into health and wellbeing.

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Charles Gay
Grass Fed vs Grain Fed

Grass Fed vs Grain Fed

Grass fed animals, specifically ruminants such as cattle, sheep and goats, are now the only acceptable option for many conscious eaters. Sourcing only meat from animals that have been grass fed may sound a wee bit obvious, and seem like the only type of meat that one could buy, but food (and life) is not that straightforward anymore.

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