Blog Posts — advice
Charles Gay

How to Open a Coconut!
WATCH VIDEO: Take the coconut in your hand and begin to hit the hammer around the circumference of the coconut. Hit & turn, hit & turn. Depending on the quality of your coconut, this could take a while!
Charles Gay

Coconuts! The Different Stages & Uses...
Coconuts contain no Trans-Fats, are Gluten-Free, Non-Toxic, Hypoallergenic and also contain Antibacterial, Antiviral, Antifungal, and Anti-parasitic healing properties.
Charles Gay

What is 'Digestive Health'?
You could talk about what constitutes good digestive health for hours due to the complexity of all the different components that contribute to the vast machine that is the GI tract. However, to keep things simple and short, I will summarise that good digestive health basically means that you and your gut feel good at all times (or most of the time), especially, during and after eating.
Charles Gay

New Year Allowing
New Year is a often time when people make a grisly decision to use January to get healthy and get clean. Many decide to give up booze, or sugar, or chocolate in an attempt to feel better after all the excesses of Christmas. A time to become the you that you always wanted to be.
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